Monday, January 21, 2013

That Which Looms in our Path: Taking a Step Back

Life isn't always going to be perfect.
Even the best of people are going to get pushed over the edge sometimes. 

     I mean, look even at the apostle Paul. In Acts 15: 36-41 his companion Barnabas wanted to bring Mark along to check on all of the cities they had preached in, but something about Mark just irked Paul, they got into a contention of some sort, bad enough that Barnabas took Mark to another city and Paul travelled with Silas (another apostle) instead.
     We don't really know what it was that bothered him, they were both apostles of God. But even the apostles are allowed to get flustered sometimes. This really gave me hope, as I find myself frequently frustrated by things that happen in my own life. It's okay to take a break sometimes, even to take another path with a different person if necessary! Either way they both went and continued The Lord's missionary work, probably more effectively than if they had travelled together despite their contention. 
            The point is that there’s no denying that life is going to be difficult at times. It’s what we do in response to it that makes the difference, though. We can choose to merely wallow in our struggles and contentions, halting our spiritual and emotional progression, or we can choose to take a step back, get a good look at the big picture, and then make a decision of how we can overcome the obstacle that looms in our way. 

Good luck out there!

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